Small steps makes a BIG difference

The below image rightly captures the essence of Investing. The journey of thousand miles starts with a single step.

Each small sum makes a big contribution to our Investment Journey. The image is the mindset of lot of people, most like to accumulate some money before starting to Invest. Its not that they are not aware of Systematic Investment Plan or Recurring Deposits in Bank FD, but its in our mind that to get more returns we should start big. I am saying with my personal experience, whenever i ask my cousin’s or kids of my Investors about their Investment choice their answer will be i don’t have funds.

Start Investing your idle money in Mutual Funds or Fixed Deposits based on your risk capacity. Don’t keep them in savings as we might end up spending that instead of saving them. Give the benefit of Compounding to your Investments. This Blog of mine explains about the advantages of Compounding.

If you are someone who is thinking in the same angle, please keep this quote in mind NO Dream too BIG and No Investments too small. The initial step is most daunting one, once you take the first step however small it might be, once you start moving, you atleast have some momentum in your quest for more. That will keep you going.

Happy Compounding!


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