Emerging Cyber Fraud Trends

I happen to read some Emerging Cyber Frauds listed by Mr. Shakti Avasthy IPS and thought will share with you all.

1. Video call from unknown number with naked person at other end and recording the video call, later blackmail and sextortion that receiver forced into nudity.

2.Online booking fraud of jungle safari, helicopter rides to religious shrines. Multiple websites of similar names exist and without clarity of domain addresses in such booking these frauds are taking place.

3. Post vaccine survey rewards where malicious links are being sent to gather information and get remote access to the mobile.

4. Merging the call scam: where users are called and parallely their WhatsApp account is tried to get logged in, to receive OTP fraudsters are clicking on “receive via call” and then asking the user to merge call for talking to senior executive.

5. Apps like BlueBugger are widely used as super Bluetooth hack devices in areas like restaurant, cafes, park where large gathering is expected and their Bluetooth might be turned on, these apps then install a backdoor in the device.

6. Voicemail email scam: where on clicking “Preview voicemail” redirects to phishing websites.

7. Fake customer care numbers available on internet, on calling them customer agent asks user to install apps like AnyDesk which gains remote access to the mobile and loss of data and easy access to OTP.

8. Fake popular fast food franchise (Dominos, McDonald’s) apps and websites giving good discounts and delivery of food, turning out to be fraud.

9. Fake income tax filing website generally by name of imobile asking for data and then payment of self assessment tax luring taxpayers of their money.

10. Free Covid test scam: asking users for basic amount for tax purposes or enabling them to install Remote access apps to extract money.

11. Fake property owners listed on real estate property apps: who are asking for advance claiming themselves to be tenants.

12. E-Sim frauds: fraudsters calling for conversion into E-sim and sending QR code for its activation, when scanning the QR code it redirects to a malicious link.

Be wary on above listed frauds, whenever you are in doubt please take some time to think and then act.


Fund Wallet is a AMFI registered Distributor of Mutual Funds.

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