Conservative Hybrid Fund

It is a credible and tax-efficient alternative to certain fixed income instruments (like bank fixed deposits), offering the scope to earn income along with the prospect of growth in Net Asset Value (NAV) when held for a reasonably long period.

Type of Instruments Normal Allocation
(% of Net Assets)
Risk Profile
Debt securities (including securitized,
debt) & Money Market instruments
75-90 Low to Medium
Equities & Equity related instruments 10-25 Medium to High
Units issued by REITs and InviTs 0-10 Medium to High

Key Features of our Investment Strategy:

Fixed Income Investments

A relatively wide mandate permits us to include both, ‘accrual’ and ‘duration’ related instruments in our portfolio. These include Sovereign, State Government, PSU and corporate securities across all maturities.

Equity Investments

  • Preference for stocks with strong cash flows (higher dividend payout/buybacks)
  • Focus on choosing stocks possessing a ‘margin-of-safety’
  • Avail of ‘special situations’ whenever they arise.

REITs & InvITs

  • Strive to fight inflation via annual rental increments.
  • Possibility of growth in investment value due to increase in Net Asset Value (NAV)

Happy Investing!


Fund Wallet is an AMFI registered Distributor of Mutual Funds. This is not a recommendation to buy.

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